important PHP questions to help you before appearing in an interview

Working on a few blog sites and knowing some basics won't be enough, if you are dreaming about landing a top notch job in PHP. You show be well aware about the basics and should possess a great logical ability to deal with the challenges that you might face if you get qualified for the job. So, here I present you with a good collection of theoritical, technical and tricky questions asked to PHP candidates on interviews around the world. Have a thorough look at them and try to get ... Read more »

Author Jiwan Thapa         Published on 31 Dec, 2018       7589 Views

How to use Quora in the most effective way?

Quora is an online question and answer community where people join in to ask any kind of question which they couldn't find solution anywhere else and people who have a better understanding on the topic give their opinions. With the pressure on digital marketers to promote content and get high quality backlinks all round the year, Quora is deemed as one of the best platform for content marketing. Promoting contents on this platform as an answer or a blog post not only help a person ... Read more »

Author Jiwan Thapa         Published on 13 Dec, 2018       6472 Views

How to get 20k unique visitors to a website every month?

Website is an essential part of business in this modern era but having a website merely drives any traffic to it on its own. It can take a long time to achieve 20,000 unique monthly visitors to a website consistently. There are some common strategies implemented by most of the successful bloggers worldwide to achieve that feat within a short time i.e. a few months which you may not know and have not generated that traffic yet. Once you get started, it is easier to go all the way to ... Read more »

Author Jiwan Thapa         Published on 11 Dec, 2018       6000 Views

My first hand experience of SEO with webtrickshome

In this article I'm going to share my first hand experience of search engine optimization (SEO) with webtrickshome and my achievements so far. Rather than starting straight from what I did, I would like to start from the very beginning of this site webtrickshome, how I started it along with the statistics from the first year (2017) and the second one (2018). That will give you the clear picture. How it was started? I was working as a web designer cum php de... Read more »

Author Jiwan Thapa         Published on 01 Dec, 2018       3812 Views

How often do you need to redesign your website?

Many experts will suggest you to redesign your website every two to three years at a mininum. However, setting it as a bar won't work on most of the cases. You might feel the need to change your website more often in most of the cases while in some cases it might not need changes that often. There are a lot of metrics which helps you to measure your website's overall performance and thus determine the need to change the design. It doesn't matter how much of the time and effort alo... Read more »

Author Jiwan Thapa         Published on 04 Nov, 2018       3824 Views

4 proven ways to make huge money from blogging quickly

Blogging has become a highly profitable career choice over time and there's nothing wrong if you want to be a successful blogger and make money from it. Most of the bloggers though start blogging as a hobby and make it their profession once it gets a good amount of regular traffic while others start it as a career from day one. In either cases, it takes a lot of time and effort before you can earn a good revenue from blogging and make it your primary source of income as the basics starts from... Read more »

Author Jiwan Thapa         Published on 12 Oct, 2018       6440 Views

5 common mistakes every new blogger makes with best solutions

Blogging is deemed as an easy job by general people but once you start blogging, you can feel the pain. Beginners always seem to mess things up. That's okay because everyone learns from mistakes. But, if you sit back and analyze, these mistakes can be avoided easily and quickly. Here, I present you with 5 common blogging mistakes most beginners make and some tips to avoid them or the solutions as well. 1. Topics of Interest Most of the new bloggers seem to write on subject... Read more »

Author Jiwan Thapa         Published on 07 Oct, 2018       4294 Views

13 golden rules you need to know for a successful career in blogging

Blogging is s combination of art and science which means there’s no definite way of blogging. It is one of the emerging career options as it is an interesting and well-paid career. But it is not that easy but neither impossible too. Establishing oneself as a successful blogger will take a lot of hard work and patience. So, here are 13 golden rules of blogging that you should know for a successful career in blogging whether you are a beginner, an intermediate or an advanced level blogger.... Read more »

Author Jiwan Thapa         Published on 05 Oct, 2018       4048 Views

3 technical skills you must have to be a professional wordpress developer

With a rapid growth in the use of internet for business, IT industry has boomed in a relative ratio. Almost everyone involved in one kind of business or the other, the desire to own a website and to make one's presence in social platforms has become a necessity to compete with the best and get business deals. The use of wordpress framework is highly increased in the market of web application development and that has increased the number of so called wordpress developers too. Som... Read more »

Author Jiwan Thapa         Published on 28 Sep, 2018       16727 Views

How to create a website mockup design in photoshop?

In this tutorial, you will find a step by step guide on how to create a website mockup using photoshop. Basically, we'll start a design with a pen and paper drawing rough sketches about the elements that we'll add in a website and their placements and size but here we'll imitate an existing design that'll help you learn about all the tools we require while creating mocksups. Photoshop is a huge application and consists a lot of tools that'll need a huge amount of... Read more »

Author Jiwan Thapa         Published on 14 Sep, 2018       24914 Views

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